
     中国教育在线讯 如火如荼的2013小升初结束了,各个重点中学在选拔完学生后,都要在7、8月份举行一场全体学生必须参加的分班考试(也有的学校会在开学的前两天举行),分出重点班(或实验班)和普通班。有的重点学校称之为“摸底考试”,但就性质而言,和分班考试并无二致。中国教育在线小学频道整理了北京重点中学新初一分班考试的真题及答案,供大家参考!


  (  )1. A reached   B laughed      C needed    D worked

  (  )2. A throw     B farthest  C theater   D through

  (  )3. A school    B chore    C change   D chip

  (  )4. A shark    B star       C card   D warm

  (  )5. A souvenir  B south    C amount   D noun


  (  )1. We enjoyed ourselves at the New Year Singing Party.

  A. had cold weather B. had a good day C. had a good time

  (  )2. The foreign friends arrived in China the day before yesterday

  A. got    B. reached    C. get to

  (  )3. There are more than 1,000 students in our school.

  A. over    B. less than   C. only

  (  )4. English names are different from Chinese names.

  A. are the same as B. aren't same asC. are different to

  (  )5. You'd better go to the movie theater by bus.

  A. miss the bus B. take a train C. take a bus


  1. He usually          (get) up at 6:30 am. and then washes his face.

  2. We          (have) our English examination now.

  3. The English teacher             (ask) us to revise our English last week.

  4. They             (do) their homework in Winter Holiday this year.

  5. My friend Ann is good at            (sing).

  6. It's hard             (study) every subject well.

  7. The students of Class 12 run          (fast) than the students of Class 11.

  8. You can do the work very         (good).

  9. Thank you for             (invite) me.

  10. This apple is             (big) one in the basket.

  11. Does your mother get up              (early) than you?

  12.Is their classroom                 (comfortable) in our school?

  13. A lot of               come to our country every year. (visit)

  14. This shirt is mine. That one is            (she).


  do the dishes, take part in, mix up. taking care of, all over, take out the trash, at the moment, stay out late

  1. We can't                     because our parents are worried.

  2. I'm not feeling very well             . I have lots of headaches.

  3. After dinner she likes to              , because It's relaxing.

  4. Please              to keep our classroom clean.

  5. John will               the school basketball team next year.

  6. I want to travel                the world.

  7.              these things and you can make fruit salad.

  8. Thank you for              my dog.


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中国教育人博客 2013-02-12